Want to Earn More Links & Mentions from

Use your internal leadership and experts to secure links and mentions. Journalists are actively searching for expertise that we provide them. Well, we’ll answer a journalist’s request by crediting you, which is called

“Thought Leadership as Expert Commentary PR”


It’s Time To Recognize
Your Business Online!

Expert commentary in digital PR is important because it establishes your brand or company as a thought leader within your industry, enhancing credibility, building trust with journalists and audiences, and boosting SEO by generating high-quality backlinks from reputable publications when featured as an expert source; essentially positioning your brand as a go-to authority on the topic.


MUSKLY will spreads up your GROWTH & REPUTATION by getting your startup in front of millions of potential customers with press coverage in research based DigitalPR campaigns at top-tier media outlets.


Who are these Services for?


Companies should hire a PR agency like us to build their reputations online through our media!


Individuals may get featured and build their reputation by Personal Branding using our PR services!


Brands get public awareness and exposure with good vibes and reputations using our PR services!


Marketers should contact us, to satisfy their specific clients using our PR services!


Products get featured and exposure at premium quality sites that build its recognizability!


Webmasters may enlist their premium websites under a B2B service contract for our PR services!

‘Expert Commentary’ in ‘DigitalPR’

By providing quotes or comments related to your industry, you are effectively positioning your company as an expert in that field to your competitors, customers, and other publications. It’s also useful as a way of connecting with potential customers for your products or services by appearing in publications that they will be visiting for inspiration or advice.


For example, a building supplies company could provide a comment on how to insulate a loft. This is a product that they sell, so the comment is an indirect way of promoting their product offering. If a potential customer enters a search query about how to insulate their loft, they may be taken to the article and find the company thanks to the expert quote.

Can It Help SEO?

In a word, yes. Many online publications will give credit for your commentary or quote in the form of a backlink to your website. This backlink can signal to Google to enhance the trustworthiness of your website in SERPS and direct traffic directly to the page.

Expert commentary as a digital PR tactic also helps to build a healthy and diverse backlink profile, alongside other strategies such as content marketing campaigns, product PR, and reactive campaigns.

of journalists need help finding sources for their stories.

most used source of content ideas is from industry experts.

of journalists say PR pros can make their job easier by providing experts.

Increase in
Visit duration

Service Details

Connecting you to the World’s Most Important Media!

Create & Pitch
Media Stories

Increase Brand
Recognition & Reputation

High Quality
Content Creation

High Quality
DA & PA Sites

Get Featured on Authoritative Sites

High Quality
PR & GuestPosting

Our Happy Clients


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  • Business2Community-muskly

Let’s Get Started
Your PR Project!

We analyze the organization, find the positive messages and translate those messages into positive media stories. and Create valuable, relevant and consistent contents to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately to drive profitable customer action!