Tag: Earned Media Strategy



In the competitive landscape of media, CEOs, and Directors share their top eleven strategies for crafting a successful earned media strategy. From embracing authenticity to capitalizing on podcast guest appearances, these leaders provide insights on how they’ve leveraged their tips to gain media traction. Dive into the wisdom of industry experts as they unfold the art of earned media, starting with authenticity and ending with valuable community contributions.


  • Embrace Authenticity in Earned Media
  • Harness User-Generated Content Power
  • Leverage Timeliness for Media Coverage
  • Nurture Influencer and Journalist Relationships
  • Create Data-Driven Content for Media
  • Foster Genuine Media Connections
  • Engage the Community for Organic Visibility
  • Build Influencer and Journalist Networks
  • Craft Compelling Storytelling
  • Capitalize on Podcast Guest Appearances
  • Contribute Valuable Community Insights


Embrace Authenticity in Earned Media

Successful earned media strategies are transparent. Opening up and speaking frankly has exponentially improved engagement on every platform for Pender & Howe, and when I think about it, I’m not surprised. We’re so inundated with marketing these days, that authenticity is downright craved. 


When we dropped the polished online image and instead provided glimpses of our office, roadwork, employees, clients, and candidates, the response went through the roof. All those little behind-the-scenes snippets counted for more than any hard-worked advertising campaign. Even the messy bits endeared people to us.


It’s taught me to mask less, both in-person and on the internet, and instead of crafting an identity, to let my real self shine through.


Others struggling with their earned media strategy should consider dropping the shiny portrayal of business in favor of one that reveals both the hard-fought wins and humbling losses inherent in entrepreneurship. Your audience might just prefer reality over any curated persona.


Travis Hann, Partner, Pender & Howe


Harness User-Generated Content Power

One key tip I’ve found crucial for a thriving earned media strategy is harnessing the power of user-generated content (UGC). At Festoon House, we’ve discovered that sharing our customers’ experiences with our lighting products not only strengthens our brand message but also fosters a sense of community and authenticity.


How do we do it? We actively encourage our customers to share photos and videos of their Festoon House lights in action on social media using specific hashtags or by tagging us. This user-generated content serves as a powerful form of social proof, showcasing real people enjoying and benefiting from our products in their everyday lives.


But it’s not just about passively collecting UGC; we actively engage with our customers’ posts, liking, commenting on, and sharing their content on our own channels. This not only shows appreciation for their support but also helps to foster a sense of belonging within our community.


Plus, we sometimes run UGC contests or challenges, inviting our followers to submit creative photos or videos featuring our lights for a chance to win prizes or be featured on our website and social media channels. This not only incentivizes engagement but also generates a steady stream of fresh and authentic content that we can repurpose across our marketing efforts.


The beauty of UGC is its authenticity. Unlike traditional advertising or branded content, user-generated content feels genuine and relatable, making it highly effective in capturing the attention and trust of potential customers. Plus, by showcasing real-life examples of our products in use, we provide valuable insights and inspiration to others who may be considering making a purchase.


Matt Little, Director and Entrepreneur, Festoon House


Leverage Timeliness for Media Coverage

I have had extensive experience crafting successful earned media strategies. These strategies are integral to enhancing our brand’s visibility and authority in the digital space, leveraging media coverage without the direct cost of traditional advertising. Here is an insight into our approach:


Leverage Timeliness and Relevance: Timing can make or break your earned media strategy. My advice is to stay on top of current events and trends within your industry and quickly tailor your communications to align with these topics. By providing timely commentary or insights, you increase the chances of your content being picked up and featured by media outlets looking for relevant and immediate content to publish.


We used this tip when the GDPR regulations were updated. By quickly releasing a detailed guide on how the changes affect online businesses and offering expert commentary, we secured coverage in top industry publications that were looking to explain these changes to their readers.


Jason Hennessey, CEO, Hennessey Digital


Nurture Influencer and Journalist Relationships

I have honed our approach to earned media to not only elevate our brand presence but also to significantly drive business growth for our clients in the SaaS and e-commerce sectors. Below is an insight into developing a successful earned media strategy and a specific example of how this approach has been effectively implemented.


Build Relationships with Key Influencers and Journalists: A successful earned media strategy often hinges on the relationships you build with influencers and journalists within your industry. Regular interaction, providing valuable information, and being a reliable source can make you a go-to person when they need information or a quote for stories they’re developing. This relationship-building should be nurtured over time and handled with a genuine interest in mutual benefit.


Nurturing Media Relationships: We have a client in the tech sector for whom we regularly engage with tech journalists and bloggers. By providing them with early access to product releases and exclusive interviews with key executives, we’ve been able to secure consistent coverage in top tech publications, which has been crucial for brand positioning.


Marc Bishop, Director, Wytlabs


Create Data-Driven Content for Media

A crucial tip for an effective earned media strategy is to leverage data-driven content to capture the interest of journalists and the public. Creating unique, research-based content, such as original studies, surveys, or reports relevant to your industry, can provide valuable insights that journalists are eager to share with their audiences. This type of content not only establishes your brand as a thought leader but also significantly increases the chances of your content being picked up and disseminated through various media channels.


We’ve applied this strategy by regularly publishing white papers and industry reports that highlight new trends and statistics. For instance, we conducted a survey last year that provided new insights into consumer behavior changes during the pandemic. We shared our findings with key media outlets in our industry, and the unique data provided was cited in numerous articles and reports. This not only boosted our visibility across various platforms but also reinforced our reputation as a credible source of industry knowledge, ultimately leading to more inquiries and opportunities for collaboration.


Sahil Kakkar, CEO and Founder, RankWatch


Foster Genuine Media Connections

Build strong relationships with journalists, bloggers, and influencers in your industry. Foster genuine connections and provide valuable insights and resources. This will increase the likelihood of them covering your brand or sharing your content organically.


My company has utilized this tip by regularly engaging with journalists and influencers through personalized outreach, networking events, and social media interactions. We offer them exclusive content, expert commentary, or access to industry insights. 


We have been able to secure media coverage and amplify brand visibility through earned media channels through these connections. Building authentic relationships with media professionals has proven to be a valuable asset in generating positive publicity and enhancing brand reputation.


Perry Zheng, Founder and CEO, Pallas


Engage the Community for Organic Visibility

My top tip for a successful earned media strategy is to genuinely engage with your community. This means actively participating in conversations, being transparent, and sharing your knowledge without expecting anything in return. 


It’s about building relationships, not just links. I’ve applied this approach by hosting free workshops on sustainable gardening practices and sharing my successes and failures openly on social media and through various gardening forums. 


This engagement has not only built trust within our community but has also led to organic mentions in blogs, social media shares, and invitations to speak at events, significantly boosting our brand’s visibility without a direct investment in advertising.


Mike Drouin, Co-Founder, Digital Marketing Director, Gardening and Home Improvement Expert, Reefertilizer


Build Influencer and Journalist Networks

One crucial tip for creating a successful earned media strategy is to build and nurture relationships with key influencers and journalists in your industry. This network becomes a powerful asset in amplifying your message through credible, third-party endorsements.


At Spectup, we’ve actively implemented this tip by systematically identifying and engaging with influencers and media personnel who align with our brand’s values and target audience. We begin by offering valuable content and insights that can assist them in their work—whether it’s detailed industry analysis, comments on current trends, or access to case studies. This approach positions us as a reliable source and a thought leader in the field.


For instance, when launching a new service, instead of merely sending out press releases, we invited key journalists and bloggers to a webinar where our experts discussed industry challenges that our new service could address. We provided exclusive data and case studies, which not only enriched their articles but also gave them fresh, compelling content their readers would appreciate.


This strategy has led to significant earned media coverage, which enhanced our brand credibility and broadened our reach. By maintaining these relationships and continuously providing value, we ensure ongoing coverage and visibility in key publications.


Niclas Schlopsna, Managing Consultant and CEO, spectup


Craft Compelling Storytelling

In my experience, a key tip for a successful earned media strategy is to craft compelling storytelling that resonates with both your target audience and the media. At Dental SEO Expert, we focused on creating detailed patient success stories and insights into cutting-edge dental technologies, which not only showcased our expertise but also humanized our brand.


We also leveraged these narratives by pitching them directly to health and wellness journalists and bloggers, who were likely to be interested in unique and impactful content. By establishing relationships with these key influencers, we ensured that our stories were picked up and featured in various prestigious health news outlets.


The effectiveness of this strategy was evident when one of our client stories was featured in a major health magazine, resulting in a 50% increase in traffic to our website from that source alone. This spike in traffic also led to a 30% increase in appointment bookings, underscoring the power of well-executed earned media in enhancing brand reputation and business outcomes.


Ihor Lavrenenko, CEO, Dental SEO Expert


Capitalize on Podcast Guest Appearances

Hands down, my recommendation would be to leverage opportunities as a guest on podcasts. Being featured on podcasts allows you to share your expertise and insights with a broader audience, tapping into the podcast’s established listener base. This can significantly enhance your visibility and credibility in your industry.


I’ve focused on actively seeking out podcasts that align with my areas of expertise and proposing specific, value-driven topics that would interest their audiences. This has helped position me locally as an authority and also builds meaningful connections with hosts and listeners alike, which can lead to further opportunities and enhanced brand recognition. 


It’s been a really powerful way to engage with communities directly and add a personal touch to your professional persona, making your messages more relatable and impactful.


Andrew Lee Jenkins, Owner, Catalyst RVA Marketing Agency


Contribute Valuable Community Insights

My top tip for creating a successful earned media strategy is to genuinely engage with your community. This means actively participating in industry forums, social media discussions, and other platforms where your target audience congregates. 


By contributing valuable insights and information, you naturally build authority and trust. I’ve applied this approach at CheapForexVPS by initiating and joining conversations about forex trading strategies on various online forums. This not only positioned our brand as a thought leader but also significantly increased our visibility through organic mentions and shares. 


The key is authenticity; your audience can sense when you’re genuinely interested in adding value versus when you’re just trying to sell something.


Ace Zhuo, Business Development Director (Sales and Marketing), Tech and Finance Expert, Cheap Forex VPS