This is How I Faced My First Content Marketing Interview with Haaga-Helia University (Finland) Student!

It was the 15th of October 2019! and I’ve got a message on my Messenger like this-
Hi Mohammad Nazrul, I see you are a content contributor at Tech in Asia. I am currently looking for expert in content marketing for my Thesis. I would like to interview you for a couple of questions based on content marketing. In case you don´t have time for an interview, I could also send you my questions if that makes it easier for you.
Well, I was pleased because for the first time someone is looking for an interview with me! and replied to her- I’m interested and I’ll surely get back to you soon!
She was a student at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences (Finland) and was looking for someone in the content marketing industry for a commissioning company of cement industry for her thesis paper! and she said-
Attached the interview questions. If any doubt let me know
Highly appreciate your time and participation on my thesis.
Let’s have a look and you may read my answers at her content marketing interview questionnaires below-
1) How do you create quality content on Facebook and which methods do you use?
Me (SocialMusker): Create quality content on Facebook isn’t so easy! I love to create content based on my client’s users and buyers’ psychology and their persona! Whether we (MUSKLY) running a page for a product or service — or one based around a topic — We love to use Quora and Reddit in this case to get new content ideas.
- After having great content ideas; based on the user’s psychology and personas, we’d love to create content using the superb content making tool CANVA by Facebook’s image ratio! (Having UX and UI knowledge will give you an extra benefit on creating amazing and stand-alone leading contents)
- About Quora: You can always find a common question people are asking and then we try to answer it by creating a visual image on our client’s Facebook page.
- About Reddit: Reddit is a goldmine for getting new content ideas that are fresh and unique. We find a subreddit and try to find out what people are discussing about!
Note: Well, setting up Google Alerts for niches/topics that you’re interested in is also a pretty good way to see what ‘s trending in your industry & for keeping tabs on your competitors.
2) Why do you use content marketing?
Me (SocialMusker): Interesting! Building long term assets by skipping paid marketing! I’d love to use content marketing as a brand-building machine that creates trust, awareness, Organic SEO, generating leads thus help to build a brand and makes money end of the day! So, In 2020 anyone can focus to build a content marketing team.
3) How do you define your content marketing goal in social media?
Me (SocialMusker): Creating understandable content is one of our main goals in Social Media by creating amazing, informative, and helpful content that ultimately builds Brand Authority and trust thus makes us rememberable! And making customer relationships is another goal in business perspectives.
4) When executing a content marketing strategy, what are the steps taken into account?
Me (SocialMusker): Content strategy is all about everything that we’d definitely write down and documented before starting any content project. There are some major KPI’s (Key Performance Indicator) to note down that we don’t miss in our steps!
5) Give me an example of a peak experience that positively impacted the most?
Me (SocialMusker): My peak experience in the content marketing industry was getting a job without facing an interview! It was the beginning of 2018; I always loved to share my content creation stuff with my Facebook friends. I don’t know there was a company CEO over there who noticed my works always and gave me the offer to have a cup of coffee in his office. Over there he directly offered me to join as Head of Digital Marketing in his company!
That was my rememberable peak experience being a content practitioner.
Wait! I often called as ‘SocialMusker’ having my personal brand (Having a personal branding website is another great platform of Content Marketing).
6) What kind of results has content marketing brought you on social media platforms?
Me (SocialMusker): Social Media and Content Marketing are made for each other! Social Media is the top priority amongst content marketers like us in terms of our content distribution channels. Well, raising a product’s brand awareness and targeted audience engagement is a kind of amazing result I’d noticed over our experience!
Nevertheless, getting leads, shares, targeted followers, views, reach, are only possible with great content marketing practices.
7) Which content formats and channels are the most effective ones to raise brand awareness?
Me (SocialMusker): Visual Image content and video content format work best over on Social Media.
You know what? Images are the lifeblood of social media especially for the increasing popularity of Instagram; this is why it connects easily with targeted audiences and creates a portfolio as well. Video contents are very fruitful on Facebook particularly intro video type content creates heavy brand awareness for any products or brands, in my opinion.
8) What would you avoid doing when starting a content marketing strategy?
Me (SocialMusker): I’d love to avoid ‘setting virality as a goal’
You know what?
Getting viral isn’t so easy but challenging! So, we feel better to create helpful and understandable content in our client’s content marketing strategy.
9) How would you measure the effectiveness of your content?
Me (SocialMusker): According to Content Marketing Institute– Everyone who works on Content Marketing needs to know which KPIs matter the most!
I want to repeat again in terms of the effectiveness of Content Marketing, KPI matters!
Some major KPI’s in Content Marketing Measurements would be like this-
That’s all 🙂

Md. Nazrul Islam
Md Nazrul Islam (aka SocialMusker) is the founder of MUSKLY, an award-winning Content Marketing & SEO-centric DigitalPR company focused on SaaS tech. He helps businesses increase conversion rates, close more sales, and get positive ROI from Content Marketing & organic SEO strategies.
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