What is Digital PR Link Building?



Exploring the dynamic world of digital PR link-building, we’ve gathered insights from CEOs and Directors to shed light on its essence and influence on online strategies. From boosting visibility and reputation to combining PR tactics with SEO, dive into the diverse perspectives of twelve industry experts on this pivotal marketing technique.


  • Boosting Visibility and Reputation
  • Amplifying Presence through Storytelling
  • Driving Traffic via Influential Media
  • Enriching Strategy with Digital PR
  • Elevating Online Presence and Credibility
  • Networking for Credible Backlinks
  • Building Trust with Quality Content
  • Broadening Digital Reach and Brand Presence
  • Pivotal Role in Visibility and Credibility
  • Securing Links for Better Rankings
  • Networking for Industry Authority
  • Combining PR Tactics with SEO


Boosting Visibility with Digital PR

Digital PR link-building is a technique used to boost a website’s visibility and reputation by acquiring backlinks from relevant sources. In practice, this often entails creating compelling content, such as press releases, articles, infographics, or expert opinions, and pitching them to journalists, bloggers, influencers, and other online publications. When these websites feature the content, they typically include a link back to the source, thus improving its search engine rankings and driving referral traffic.


Regarding its impact on our online strategy, it has been crucial in amplifying web presence and trustworthiness. By obtaining backlinks from authoritative sources, we’ve managed to enhance SEO results, draw more organic traffic, and position ourselves and our clients as reliable sources of information in multiple fields.


Kimberley McConnery, Link Building Manager, Sure Oak


Amplifying Presence through Storytelling

Digital PR link-building merges the best of traditional public relations, content marketing, and SEO to boost your brand’s visibility online and climb up the search engine ranks. It’s all about creating stories and content that resonate with your audience and getting this content out on sites and platforms that matter. This does a great job at spreading your message wider while also snagging those crucial backlinks from high-authority sites, which are super important for SEO.


From my own experience with Reefertilizer, adopting digital PR link-building has significantly widened our online presence. We’ve put a lot of effort into shaping stories that echo our core message of enhancing health and wellness naturally, reaching out to our audience, and making waves among influencers in our field. It’s markedly boosted our digital credibility and pulled in more organic website visitors, powering our brand’s growth and prominence online. To us, blending top-notch content, smart collaborations, and authentic storytelling has been our formula for crafting an impactful digital strategy.


Mike Drouin, Co-Founder, Digital Marketing Director, Gardening and Home Improvement Expert, Reefertilizer


Driving Traffic via Influential Media

I understand the critical role digital PR link-building plays in shaping online strategies. Here, I’ll describe what digital PR link-building entails and discuss its impact on our strategic initiatives.


Digital PR link-building focuses on strategically placing content and securing brand mentions on influential media outlets. By engaging with journalists, bloggers, and influencers, we aim to create organic content that naturally includes links back to our clients’ websites. This method enhances online presence, boosts domain authority, and drives traffic from external sources, all of which are vital for SEO.


Driving Qualified Traffic and Leads: The implementation of digital PR has directly contributed to an increase in qualified traffic and leads. By positioning our clients in front of relevant audiences on prestigious platforms, we’ve seen a boost in direct inquiries and engagement. These high-quality backlinks do not just improve SEO; they bring in traffic that is more likely to convert, due to the credibility transferred from the linking sites.


Marc Bishop, Director, Wytlabs


Enriching Strategy with Digital PR

I am deeply involved in the intricacies of digital PR link-building. It’s a fascinating and dynamic aspect of our work that has profound implications on our digital strategies.


Digital PR link-building is an evolved form of influencing public perception and improving brand visibility online. It involves promoting your brand through high-quality content and engaging stories that are strategically pitched to journalists and digital media. The aim is to secure editorial links that not only enhance SEO but also boost brand credibility and reach a wider audience. It’s about integrating SEO objectives with PR tactics to create a synergy that propels online presence.


Our online strategy has been deeply enriched by integrating digital PR link-building, notably through the diversification of our traffic sources and improved search rankings. By focusing on creating content that is both informative and newsworthy, we have been able to engage a broader audience and secure coverage in top-tier publications. Each campaign builds on the last, cumulatively increasing our online authority and reinforcing our position as industry leaders, which is essential for long-term digital success.


Jason Hennessey, CEO, Hennessey Digital


Elevating Online Presence and Credibility

Digital PR link-building is a strategic approach within digital marketing aimed at enhancing a brand’s online presence and search engine visibility through the acquisition of high-quality backlinks from reputable websites. This involves creating compelling content that resonates with both the media and potential customers, encouraging them to share this content on their platforms. The ultimate goal is to improve domain authority and search rankings, driving more organic traffic to the website.


At Dental SEO Expert, digital PR link-building has significantly impacted our online strategy by broadening the reach and enhancing the reputation of the dental practices we manage. One specific case study involved a multi-pronged digital PR campaign for a new dental clinic. We secured guest posts on well-known dental health blogs, coupled with news releases on healthcare platforms, which resulted in a substantial increase in referral traffic and a 50% boost in new patient registrations within the first six months.


This approach was effective because it combined the credibility of established platforms with the clinic’s innovative dental solutions, making the content both authoritative and appealing to potential patients.


Ihor Lavrenenko, CEO, Dental SEO Expert


Networking for Credible Backlinks

In my online strategy, prioritizing digital PR link-building has been an absolute game-changer. By putting in the work to build relationships with reputable industry sites and influencers, I’ve been able to score some seriously high-value backlinks over time. And let me tell you, that third-party credibility pays dividends!


Not only has it given my website’s search performance and traffic a huge boost, but it’s also helped amplify my brand a ton in my market’s online community. All those quality backlink stamps of approval make others view you as a credible, authoritative voice worth paying attention to.


It’s just good digital networking at the end of the day—you connect with the right people, provide value, build relationships, and they’ll be happy to vouch for you and your content. A rising digital tide lifts all boats!


Yash Gangwal, Founder, Urban Monkey


Building Trust with Quality Content

Traditionally, link-building focused on sheer quantity. But digital PR flips the script. We focus on creating high-quality content, like engaging infographics on language-learning trends, or insightful articles on effective remote-learning techniques.


We don’t blast out generic press releases. Our team strategically targets journalists and bloggers who write about education, travel, or remote work—topics that intersect with our audience. This way, when these influencers mention SpanishVIP with a link, it reaches the right people and positions us as a valuable resource.


Effective digital PR has a ripple effect. A well-placed link in a respected publication can lead to social media mentions, increased website traffic, and ultimately, more students eager to learn with us. It’s about building trust and credibility, not just acquiring links.


Digital PR isn’t just about SEO. It’s about building relationships with other thought leaders in the industry. Guest blog posts, co-created content, or even joint webinars—these collaborations not only generate backlinks but also open doors to new audiences and learning opportunities for both SpanishVIP and our collaborators.


Connor Ondriska, Co-Founder and CEO, SpanishVIP


Broadening Digital Reach and Brand Presence

Digital PR link-building involves creating and distributing compelling content to reputable media outlets and blogs to secure backlinks to your website. This strategy enhances your site’s authority and visibility by improving its search engine ranking.


I’ve found that by integrating digital PR link-building into my clients’ online strategy, it has significantly broadened their digital reach and improved their brand’s online presence and rankings. PR drives more traffic to their sites while also elevating the brand’s credibility by associating it with well-known publications.


Andrew Lee Jenkins, Owner, Catalyst RVA Marketing Agency


Pivotal Role in Visibility and Credibility

Digital PR link-building is the practice of acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable online sources through strategic public relations efforts. It involves creating compelling content, building relationships with influential publishers, and leveraging newsworthy stories to secure valuable mentions and links on authoritative websites.


In our online strategy, digital PR link-building has played a pivotal role in enhancing our website’s visibility and credibility. By consistently securing coverage and backlinks from respected industry publications, we’ve witnessed a significant boost in organic search traffic and improved search engine rankings. This approach has not only strengthened our brand’s authority but also driven qualified leads and increased conversions.


We’ve found that combining data-driven research, creative campaigns, and timely newsjacking tactics has been particularly effective in capturing the attention of journalists and bloggers. By providing them with unique, insightful content, we’ve been able to establish ourselves as thought leaders in our niche, leading to more opportunities for high-quality link acquisition.


Gustav Nicholson, Editor, Ampifire


Securing Links for Better Rankings

It’s a strategy used to increase the online visibility of a website by securing links from high-quality websites. As an operations manager of a web agency, I use this strategy to improve our clients’ online visibility and drive traffic to their website. 


Digital PR link-building has had a significant impact on our online strategy by helping our clients rank higher in search engine results pages. By securing links from reputable websites, we increase our clients’ authority and credibility online, which ultimately leads to more traffic, conversions, and revenue.


Tom Molnar, Operations Manager, Fit Design


Networking for Industry Authority

Digital PR link-building is a strategy that involves creating high-quality content that other websites want to link to. This can include blog posts, articles, infographics, videos, and more. The goal is to earn backlinks from other reputable websites, which can help improve your website’s search engine ranking. It’s a bit like networking in the digital world—you’re building relationships with other websites and influencers in your industry, and those relationships can lead to valuable backlinks.


At Festoon House, digital PR link-building has been a game-changer for our online strategy. When we first started, our online presence was minimal. But as we began to implement digital PR link-building strategies, we saw a significant increase in our website’s visibility. We started by creating high-quality content that was relevant to our industry and our customers. We then reached out to influencers and other websites in our industry, offering our content as a resource for their readers.


This strategy has not only increased our website’s visibility but also helped us establish Festoon House as a trusted authority in the lighting industry. When other reputable websites link to our content, it sends a signal to search engines that our website is a reliable source of information. This has helped improve our search engine ranking, making it easier for potential customers to find us.


Moreover, digital PR link-building has also helped us build relationships with influencers and other businesses in our industry. These relationships have led to collaborations, partnerships, and even increased sales. So, in a nutshell, digital PR link-building has been instrumental in growing our online presence and driving our business forward. It’s a strategy that requires time and effort, but the results are well worth it.


Matt Little, Director and Entrepreneur, Festoon House


Combining PR Tactics with SEO

Digital PR link-building combines the traditional elements of public relations, like content promotion and media relations, with the technical aspects of SEO, specifically through link acquisition. The goal is to secure high-quality, editorially given links from other websites to boost the authority and relevance of your own website in the eyes of search engines. This is done by crafting compelling stories, news, or studies that media outlets and bloggers find valuable enough to share, linking back to the source of the information. The quality and relevance of these backlinks are critical as they greatly influence a website’s ranking and search visibility.


Implementing digital PR link-building in our online strategy has significantly impacted our ability to reach broader audiences and improve our search engine rankings. By engaging with media outlets and producing high-quality content that resonates with both publishers and our target audience, we have seen a noticeable increase in our website’s authority. This, in turn, has led to higher rankings for key search terms, more organic traffic, and enhanced brand credibility. Digital PR has become an essential part of our comprehensive marketing strategy, enabling us to achieve a competitive edge in our industry.


Sahil Kakkar, CEO and Founder, RankWatch


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